Friday, July 9, 2010

Gardening Day

Today my family and I went to our Nana's house but first we had some lunch at the panmure bakery. We all had five dollars each. I got a bacon and egg pie, a ham and cheese bun and a Coca Cola drink. Once we finished off we went to our Nana's house. All of us started but I had nothing to do. So a couple of minutes later my older sister had to go some where and I took over her job which is racking the leaves,(I made a huge pile) It was really boring so I went and got a drink in the kitchen. After a while me and my younger sister sneaked out and strolled home. But the doors were locked and we went back and sat in the van till we went home.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Starford its your friend KingstonL
    I hope you did'nt get caught when you tried to stroll home. Anyway I am looking foward to commenting on some more work.



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