Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My Journey...

“Finally, my time has come for me to prove myself” I thought positively. “I can get into this professional prestigious karate school” I said to myself. I prayed for God to give me strength for the task ahead of me. Leaping from rock to rock, with a  tenuous grip, I eventually reached the tip of the mountain. Dangling dangerously at the top of the cliff, my exhausted body managed to heave myself onto the flat rocky ledge.

Looking straight ahead, I could see a path heading to the karate school. Each step I took   towards the palace, I got more and more excited. Looking up, I saw a huge door before me. ’Knock, knock, knock..’ The master sensei opened the door. I bowed before him, but he pointed away. I sighed as I walked away sadly.

To Be Continued......

1 comment:

  1. Your writing is very descriptive and I can see and feel the character.
    Nice work Starford



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